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Catoro Cafe Vancouver: Bond with Rescue Cats + Bubble Tea

We had an awesome time at Catoro Cafe Vancouver inside the Cat Forest where we got to bond with rescue cats in a warm and relaxing environment.

The vision behind the cafe is to not only help rescue cats find homes but also to allow visitors to gain psychological benefits and stress-relief by spending time with animals.

The Cat Forest felt very zen and you are welcome to engage with the cats providing that they are in the mood to do so.

Some cats may want to be close to you, while some might not. There are plenty of toys which you can use to play with the cats.

On the day we were there, there were many cats around and that were up for playing.

Catoro Cafe

Catoro Cafe in Vancouver offers delicious bubble tea along with some very nice, soft and chewy pearls.  Guests are welcome to enjoy the BBT inside the Cat Forest. You also don’t need admission to the Cat Forest to make purchases at their cafe.

Catoro Cafe

The site is well-maintained and the staff are friendly and knowledgeable.  Great experience and would recommend!

Catoro Cafe
666 East Broadway, Vancouver